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October 2024

Capricorn symbol glyph
Capricorn symbol glyph

Please remember these are general forecasts for each Rising Sign.  The planetary placements in your own natal chart will have different effects on the transits and aspects of the month.  If you would like a personal natal chart reading please fill out the information for new clients.  Link at the bottom of the page.




​The month of October begins with a Sun/Mercury cazimi that takes place just before the new moon/ solar eclipse in Libra, which rules the area of career, legacy, reputation and leadership.  New information will give you new clarity in the workplace.  While a new moon is the time to make new intentions, the solar eclipse will require us to let go or release relationships that have caused frustration or regrets.  The decisions that you make during this solar eclipse should prioritize your own interests over others.  While this could prove to be stressful, the releases you make now will bring more harmony and balance to the connections with those that support you.  Ending bad habits and toxic behaviors will also allow you to move forward with confidence.  October 12th, Pluto will station direct at the last degree of Capricorn before its final exit on November 19th.  Pluto began its transit through your home sign in November 2008.  Since then, major transformations that involve your health, appearance and identities along with responsibilities to your family, partners, closest relationships, home, work and reputation have taken place. Pluto will not return to Capricorn for 230 years.  October 17th, Venus makes its entrance into Sagittarius as a full moon shines from Aries.  Sagittarius rules the area of hidden weaknesses and hidden enemies, along with fears, spirituality, dreams, confinement and far away places.  As Venus transits this area of your chart you may find a foreign source of income. You could also discover a new way of spiritual practice that includes meditations, frequency healing, symbolism and affirmations.  The full moon in Aries takes place in the area of home, property and family.  This marks a time of culmination or completion of something that may have started in April 2024.  You may decide to sell or purchase a new home or you may have to cut ties with a family member.  The actions taken could be caused by a disagreement with a spouse or partner.  October 22nd, the Sun squares Pluto just before entering Scorpio.  This is the final square that the Sun will make to Pluto in Capricorn.  Power struggles with co-workers may cause stress or create health issues.  Creating better balance or more harmony in work connections will place you in the right position for a promotion.  October 27th, Mars in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces.  Cancer rules your closest relationships, spouse, partnerships and legal agreements.  Pisces rules community, communications, travel, siblings, neighbors and extended family.  This water trine can create positive interactions within your local environment but it will be necessary to check all details before making any agreements. The same day, Venus in Sagittarius makes a square to Saturn in Pisces.  You may find opposition to plans you are making with members of your community.  Delays or obstacles may give you the time you need to figure out who has been working against you.  This is a closing square of the Venus/Saturn cycle that began in March 2024.  Take a look at events that took place during that time to get an idea of what you may be dealing with.


I will be giving more details of each transit in my Instagram posts so please follow us on Instagram @lunafishinc.  Please remember that these forecasts are written for your rising sign.  If you don’t know your rising sign and would like to find out, you can visit one of the many websites, including and free of charge.


If you are interested in getting a natal chart reading or a forecast please send an email to or you can send a message through Instagram where you can keep up with new weekly themes and explanations on a variety of topics involving astrology. 


As Always, LunaFishInc wishes you a Peaceful Day.


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