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April 2024

Libra symbol glyph

Please remember these are general forecasts for each Rising Sign.  The planetary placements in your own natal chart will have different effects on the transits and aspects of the month.  If you would like a personal natal chart reading please fill out the information for new clients.  Link at the bottom of the page.





The Aries/Libra axis will experience quite a bit of action this month, starting with Mercury retrograde on April 1st. Mercury is retrograde in the area of your closest relationships and partners. There is a possibility that a conversation or interaction causes confusion or misunderstanding.  It is also possible that you are contacted by someone from your past. Use caution as reconnections during this transit can end as quickly as they begin.  Letting go of old identities, agendas, relationships and anything that involves updating your appearance or adverse health behaviors will allow healing and authenticity.  The retrograde will last through April 25th.  Venus makes its entrance into Aries on April 5th.  While harmony and balance in relationships is desired, the Mercury retrograde can cause delays, frustration, obstacles and miscommunications that make it difficult to strengthen connections.  The Aries Solar eclipse takes place April 8, 2024.  We have heard a lot of hype about this particular eclipse and it is possible that an unexpected or fated event takes place.  For the sign of Libra this is taking place in the area of relationships and partnerships.  Agreements made around the eclipse season may require many adjustments in order to satisfy both parties.  This can also foreshadow a loss of an important person in your life or someone you consider a leader. Separations are also possible under this Aries Solar Eclipse. Impulsive decisions could push you to strike out on your own, in order to live a more authentic life. April 10th, Mars makes a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces.  This is taking place in the area of daily routines, which include service to others, work duties, health habits, exercise routines and pets.  Mars and Saturn in Pisces can present instances in which you are concerned about taking action.  You may not have the ability to see all the boundaries or limitations that are made up of the rules or laws. Take time to check and verify the details of any adjustments made to work duties, service to others and health routines. Thankfully this will be the last planet to make a conjunction with Saturn for the rest of the year.  Make a note of what takes place during this time as it will help you move forward when Saturn is retrograde in June.  The Sun enters Taurus on April 19th, bringing more purpose and focus to obligations, debt, finances, your partner's resources, other people's money, a possible inheritance and intimacy. On the same day we will have a rare Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus.  The last time this conjunction took place in Taurus was May 1941.  Jupiter, the planet of blessings, wisdom and abundance conjunct with Uranus, the planet of sudden events, surprises and changes.  While this can point to more abundance concerning your partner's resources, finances, other people's money, intimacy and debt, this can also cause over-indulgence.  Careful planning in agreements and negotiations, along with solid foundations can manifest what you truly desire.  This conjunction is also sextiling Mars in Pisces.  Clear language and clarity are important now.  April 21st, the Sun makes a square with Pluto in Aquarius.  Taurus and Aquarius are fixed energies that can make adjustments or changes difficult.  It is possible that you may have to cancel a planned event for the family, a new romance or children.  Taking risks now is not recommended. Weather or earth changes could be a big factor during this time as well.  The full moon in Scorpio on April 23, 2024 could foreshadow the end of a stream of income.  At the end of the month Venus makes its entrance into Taurus which it rules and Mars makes its entrance into Aries, which it rules.  A noticeable shift in energy, especially in relationships, finances and resources along with your authenticity and independence will put you in a more grounded and cooperative state.  It is also possible that you find a new purpose.


I will be giving more details of each transit in my Instagram posts so please follow us on Instagram @lunafishinc.  Please remember that these forecasts are written for your rising sign.  If you don’t know your rising sign and would like to find out, you can visit one of the many websites, including and free of charge.


If you are interested in getting a natal chart reading or a forecast please send an email to or you can send a message through Instagram where you can keep up with new weekly themes and explanations on a variety of topics involving astrology. 


As Always, LunaFishInc wishes you a Peaceful Day.

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