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April 2024

Scorpio Symbol Glyph
Scorpio Symbol Glyph

Please remember these are general forecasts for each Rising Sign.  The planetary placements in your own natal chart will have different effects on the transits and aspects of the month.  If you would like a personal natal chart reading please fill out the information for new clients.  Link at the bottom of the page.




The month of April begins with Mercury retrograde in Aries, which will last through April 25th.  Aries in your chart, rules daily routines, word duties, service to others, health habits, exercise routines and pets.  This can cause mistakes, miscommunications, missed appointments, delays and confusion concerning these themes.  Check your calendar or schedule to verify or confirm all appointments.  The confusion created during this retrograde could make it difficult to make adjustments or reschedule once you find a mistake.  April 5th, Venus makes its entrance into Aries, joining the Sun, Mercury, Chiron and North Node.  Venus in Aries wants more power to make decisions and choices through new inspiration.  The Venus energy in Aries pushes you to be more authentic in your daily activities.  April 8, 2024, the Aries new moon/Solar eclipse takes place in the same area of your chart.  This could foreshadow a loss of someone you see on a regular basis.  A leader, coach or mentor could be leaving or moving on.  While this could be upsetting, your acceptance of a new teacher will help get you started on the right foot.  Your ruler Mars will make a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces on April 10th.  Pisces is an energy that dissolves.  Mars has a difficult time taking action, making decisions and wielding power.  Saturn makes boundaries and foundations in order to keep control and hold power. The nebulous Pisces is free of boundaries but has the duty of ridding us of what is no longer needed and choosing what we will carry forward.  Scorpio is a water sign that is dark, deep and still.  Cancer is a water sign that brings new life and provides proper nurturing.  If you have a placement in Cancer, this could potentially make a water trine which could keep the water flowing fast and furious.  Losing control is not a comfortable place for Scorpio, so it will be important to stay on top of any adjustments or changes that are required for stepping forward.  April 19th, the Sun makes its entrance into Taurus.  You will feel more purpose in your closest relationships or partnerships.  Your focus will give you clarity on the type of relationship you want to manifest between you and another.  April 20th we have a rare conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.  The last time this particular transit took place was May 1941.  It is possible that you and your partner or closest relationship will hit a streak of good luck or receive an unexpected gift. The blessings that come from this aspect will concern resources, money, nature, sensuality, love, harmony and comfort.  This would be a great time to spend some special moments together.  The energy from this conjunction will last a few weeks as this is the beginning of a new cycle. Be ready for unexpected events, news and surprises.  On the 21st the Sun in Taurus is squaring Pluto in Aquarius. This is a hard aspect in fixed energy.  As a Scorpio, you understand fixed energy can make it difficult to just “wing it”.  During this square, it is possible to meet resistance from a partner concerning your home, family, land and ancestral heritage.  Thinking through any plans or strategies will require your full attention.  April 23, 2024, a full moon in your own sign. Scorpio rules the area of identity, health and appearance.  Because it is a full moon, this suggests an ending or culmination with a particular identity that has become too burdensome. While this could create some tension between you and your partner, it will give you the freedom to focus on other facets of your life or assume another role.  At the end of the month, Venus enters Taurus which it rules and Mars enters Aries which it also rules. While this universal couple is empowered through their own rulerships, you will be more active in your daily routines and work duties while you are thinking of your partner.  Take some time to give Venus in your relationship house some love.


I will be giving more details of each transit in my Instagram posts so please follow us on Instagram @lunafishinc.  Please remember that these forecasts are written for your rising sign.  If you don’t know your rising sign and would like to find out, you can visit one of the many websites, including and free of charge.


If you are interested in getting a natal chart reading or a forecast please send an email to or you can send a message through Instagram where you can keep up with new weekly themes and explanations on a variety of topics involving astrology. 


As Always, LunaFishInc wishes you a Peaceful Day.

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