September 2024
Please remember these are general forecasts for each Rising Sign. The planetary placements in your own natal chart will have different effects on the transits and aspects of the month. If you would like a personal natal chart reading please fill out the information for new clients. Link at the bottom of the page.
The first day of September could result in a spiritual connection or awakening. Make no assumptions concerning friends. Clear thinking can bring new awareness. Pluto will enter the area of relationships, partners and commitments. This will be the last time that Pluto will be in this area of your chart. The transformation of the roles and responsibilities you hold in close relationships will give you more stability and security. The new moon in Virgo takes place on September 3, 2024. As your ruler, this new moon is a time for new intentions or new plans concerning your interactions in your local environment with community, neighbors and extended family, which allow you to show your worth and develop new relationships. The next day, Mars makes its entrance into your own sign. This will be an extended stay in the area of health, appearance and identity roles. The actions you want to take concerning these themes will move forward. During January 2025, you will get the time to review any decisions or actions that you take when Mars is retrograde in Cancer. Make notes if you need them. The Sun will oppose Saturn from the 6th through the 8th of the month. This will be a time of tension in which you may feel that you cannot move forward no matter what you do. Your beliefs and the beliefs held by others in your community may give you the feeling that you need to defend yourself. Wait until the 14th, when Venus makes a trine to Jupiter when a family member can give you good advice or a better connection with members of your community. September 18, 2024, the full moon/lunar eclipse in Pisces will take place in the area of beliefs, the law, politics, religion, cultural understanding and long distance travel. Releasing old beliefs will allow you to make room for new ways of understanding the world around you. The last week of the month brings the Autumn Equinox. This is a marker of gathering and planning for the stability you desire. Venus will enter Scorpio which rules the area of leisure activities, new romance, creativity and kids. You will want more control of these themes and with whom you spend your time. The last day of the month gives us new ideas, new information and enlightenment concerning our interactions in the community as the Sun and Mercury move into cazimi. Write down any ideas you have at this time as they may be coming in fast and furious.​
I will be giving more details of each transit in my Instagram posts so please follow us on Instagram @lunafishinc. Please remember that these forecasts are written for your rising sign. If you don’t know your rising sign and would like to find out, you can visit one of the many websites, including and free of charge.
If you are interested in getting a natal chart reading or a forecast please send an email to or you can send a message through Instagram where you can keep up with new weekly themes and explanations on a variety of topics involving astrology.
As Always, LunaFishInc wishes you a Peaceful Day.