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April 2024

Aries symbol glyph
Aries symbol glyph

Please remember these are general forecasts for each Rising Sign.  The planetary placements in your own natal chart will have different effects on the transits and aspects of the month.  If you would like a personal natal chart reading please fill out the information for new clients.  Link at the bottom of the page.




The Aries/Libra axis will experience quite a bit of action this month, starting with Mercury retrograde on April 1st. Mercury retrograde in the place of identity and health can play havoc with appointments.  Checking your calendar everyday and confirming the schedule could save you some frustration.  Your authenticity is important and sometimes your impulsiveness can get you into trouble.  If you are planning or presenting new plans or goals, be sure communications   are stated clearly and understood.  The retrograde will last for most of the month.  Making major changes to your appearance is not recommended until Mercury stations direct April 25th.  Venus makes its entrance into Aries as well.  This will push you to make impulsive decisions about your health, appearance and your authenticity, but the Mercury retrograde will cause delays, frustrations, misunderstandings and miscommunications. Wait until May.  The Aries Solar eclipse takes place April 8, 2024.  We have heard a lot of hype about this particular eclipse and it is possible that an unexpected or fated event takes place.  For the sign of Aries this is taking place in the house of health, appearance and identity.  For this reason alone, it is advised that you wait to make any changes to your appearance until May.  You could also feel the pain of a loss or separation.  Think it out while you are working out.  Exercise and activity is always the best way to focus for Aries.  April 10th, Mars makes a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces.  Obstacles, confusion and vulnerability are possible now but thankfully this will be the last planet to make a conjunction with Saturn for the year.  Make a note of what takes place during this time as it will help you move forward when Saturn is retrograde in June.  The next big aspect to take place in April is the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus.  While this can point to more abundance concerning resources, money and comfort, this can also increase any over-indulgence concerning these themes.  Careful planning along with solid foundations can  manifest what you truly desire.  April 19th, the Sun enters Taurus.  Also in Taurus we have one of the biggest aspects of the year taking place. Jupiter and Uranus will make a conjunction that is sextiling Mars in Pisces.  Breaking it down we can see that the Sun in Taurus brings us squarely into Spring.  Nature is in bloom.  Weather or earth changes could be a big factor during this time.  Jupiter/Uranus conjunction can bring in abundance or over-indulgence concerning the money you earn, your assets and the values you hold. The last time these two conjuncted in Taurus was May 1941.  Unexpected gains in wealth and resources are possible.  We will also experience Mercury retrograde conjunct Venus in Aries.  This could be the time that you find that any changes you have made to your appearance or health routines could be disappointing or bring reactions that cause some emotions.  Try to look at the bright side and make the adjustments that are needed to get the attention you desire.  On the 21st, the Sun in Taurus is squaring Pluto in Aquarius.  Money and friends don’t mix at this time.  Financial agreements between you and a friend could bring a great deal of frustration as the full moon in Scorpio on April 23, 2024 could foreshadow the end of a stream of income.  At the end of the month Venus makes its entrance into Taurus which it rules and Mars makes its entrance into Aries, which it rules.  A noticeable shift in energy, especially in relationships, finances and resources along with your authenticity and independence will put you in a more grounded and cooperative state.  It is also possible that you find a new purpose.


I will be giving more details of each transit in my Instagram posts so please follow us on Instagram @lunafishinc.  Please remember that these forecasts are written for your rising sign.  If you don’t know your rising sign and would like to find out, you can visit one of the many websites, including and free of charge.


If you are interested in getting a natal chart reading or a forecast please send an email to or you can send a message through Instagram where you can keep up with new weekly themes and explanations on a variety of topics involving astrology. 


As Always, LunaFishInc wishes you a Peaceful Day.

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