Hello again! Thank you all so much for your time and patience. We are happy to announce that we have individual Horoscopes again as well as some new Upgrades!! If you're a current Subscriber be sure to check your e-mail to gain access to our New Subscribers Page and Subscribers Hangout! If you are not currently a subscriber we ask that you consider becoming one so you don't miss out on exclusive content! If you are new or just visiting please be sure to check out our new pages in addition to your Horoscope! Fish Tales, Journal Pages & Safe Harbors. We will continue to make more changes and upgrades through out the year so be sure to swim on by!
-Warm Regards
The LunaFishInc Team
General Forecast
February Key Dates
Feb 1-3: Venus conjunct Neptune
Feb 4: Venus enters Aries
Feb 4: Jupiter stations direct
Feb 6-8: Venus sextile Pluto
Feb 6-8: Mars trine Saturn
Feb 9: Sun conjunct Mercury (Mercury Cazimi)
Feb 11: Sun square Uranus
Feb 12: Full Moon in Leo (24°05')
Feb 14: Mercury enters Pisces
Feb 18: Sun enters Pisces
Feb 24: Mars stations direct
Feb 25: Mercury conjunct Saturn
Feb 28: New Moon in Pisces (9°40')
****Neptune Conjunct the North Node (All Month)
This alignment brings introspection and challenges around themes revealed during eclipse season. Misconceptions about individual house themes may be uncovered. Clarity and understanding will develop by mid-April when Saturn conjuncts the North Node (April 16-26).
Venus & Mars
Venus Conjunct Neptune (Feb 1-3):
A dreamy, romantic, and fantasy-driven period. It’s a sweet moment to embrace creativity, imagination, and love.
Venus Enters Aries (Feb 4):
Venus transitions into Mars’ fiery home, shifting the energy toward boldness and passion. Relationships may feel more direct or impulsive.
Venus Sextile Pluto (Feb 6-8):
This alignment intensifies authenticity and determination. Powerful conversations, emotional reactions, and unfiltered honesty dominate. While Venus typically softens energies, this aspect may spark bold and aggressive tendencies.
Mars Trine Saturn (Feb 6-8):
Mars’ retrograde motion in Cancer slows things down but creates an opportunity to establish clear boundaries. This trine with Saturn supports thoughtful decision-making, especially regarding security, home, and family themes.
Mars Stations Direct (Feb 24):
As Mars turns direct, clarity emerges about long-considered choices. Themes around family, privacy, and home will be especially prominent. Grounding practices will be beneficial during this transition.
Jupiter in Gemini Stations Direct (Feb 4)
Jupiter’s direct motion in mutable Gemini brings heightened focus on house themes. This is amplified on Feb 9, when the Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini during Mercury Cazimi (Sun conjunct Mercury). Expect sudden insights, intellectual breakthroughs, and emotional conversations. The predominance of Air energy calls for grounding to maintain balance.
Full Moon in Leo (Feb 12)
The Full Moon in Leo (24°05') forms a T-square with Uranus in Taurus, intensifying tension between individuality, stability, and freedom. Emotional outbursts or dramatic revelations are possible. It’s essential to seek grounding and balance between personal desires and external demands.
Pisces Energy Intensifies
Mercury Enters Pisces (Feb 14):
Thought processes slow, leaning toward creativity, intuition, and emotional depth.
Sun Enters Pisces (Feb 18):
As the Sun moves into Pisces, water energy grows stronger. This marks the beginning of a Pisces stellium, including Neptune, Saturn, Mercury, the Sun, and the North Node.
New Moon in Pisces (Feb 28):
This watery New Moon at 9°40' Pisces is heavily influenced by Jupiter in Gemini. The energy may feel dualistic, like two sides pulling at once. Conversations may feel slippery or confusing—take time to process before sharing thoughts.
Sun Conjunct Mercury (Feb 9):
Mercury Cazimi brings mental clarity and powerful insights. It’s a great time for reflection and communication.
Mercury Conjunct Saturn (Feb 25):
Serious conversations and thoughtful words dominate. Be mindful of how you communicate, as your words carry weight.
Grounding Practices for February
With heavy Air and Water energy dominating, grounding practices are crucial this month:
-Meditate or practice breathwork.
-Spend time in nature, especially around water or in calming, earthy environments.
-Journaling can help process the intense emotional and intellectual energy.
-As we move into March, the focus on Pisces deepens before the shift into Taurus energy begins in late April.
Retrograde Planets
Mars Retrograde Dec 6 - Feb 23, 2025
Jupiter Retrograde Oct 09 - Feb 11, 2025
Uranus Retrograde Sep 01 - Jan 30, 2025